The Mighty Primarina to be featured in the next 7-Star Tera Raid Event
With this one, we have 2 out of 3 Gen 7 starters that have been featured in the Tera Raid Battle Events.
Pokémon has announced the next Tera Raid Battle Event, this time returning to the 7-star difficulty, and as has been typical of these, a starter will be featured; coming from Alola, we'll get the chance to battle the last evolution in the Popplio line, Primarina with the Mightiest Mark.
The event will happen over two Weekends: the first one will start late Thursday, May 9th, and end on Sunday, May 12th (or Friday to Sunday, depending on your timezone), and the second one will happen from Thursday, May 16th, to Sunday, May 19th. The second part of the event will also feature Blisseys on several 5-Star Tera Raids. Just be mindful that event Blissey Tera Raids do not have the same rewards as the regular Blissey Tera Raids.
Primarina will have a Fairy Tera type, weak to Steel and Poison-type moves, resistant to Fighting, Bug, and Dark-type moves, and immune to Dragon-type moves; its Stats lean towards Special Attack and Special Defense, leaving it vulnerable to Physical moves, so a strong Poison or Steel-type Physical attacker with higher Special Defense is the best option; Clodsire or Toxicroak would be some examples, but there are many options to go for.
It might have moves like Sparkling Aria, its signature move, that deals damage and heals burns regardless of who it goes towards (ally or opponent); it may also know some Fairy-type moves to take advantage of its Tera type, such as Moon Blast or Dazzling Gleam.
To Participate in the 5-Star Tera Raids, you must have completed the main story up to the end credits; open the Poké Portal and Check Poké Portal News through the Mystery Gift menu.
To unlock the 7-Star Tera Raids, you must complete a few raids after the end credits and participate in the post-game tournament. However, if you are missing any of these requirements, you can still join the event by playing with someone who has unlocked it via online or local communication.