Swampert the Unrivaled is coming to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
This makes two out of three Gen 3 starters to appear in 7-Star Tera Raids; now Sceptile remains.

Pokémon has revealed the next Tera Raid Event for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. As has been typical, it is a Starter Pokémon, and this time, it is the last evolution of Mudkip, Swampert, leaving Sceptile as the only Gen 3 starter yet to be featured in this kind of event.
The event will last from Thursday, May 30th, to Sunday, June 2nd (or Friday to Sunday, depending on your time zone) and once again from Thursday, June 6th, to Sunday, June 9th. During the second period, Blisseys will appear more often on 5-Star Tera Raids. These Blisseys are special to this kind of event, as they only drop Tera Shards and experience candies.
Swampert will have the Poison Tera Type, weak against Ground and Psychic-type moves, the last one being the better option; ignoring Nature, its defenses are balanced, and it has a higher Physical Attack stat, so be sure to bring a High Defense Pokémon for this; its Hidden Ability Damp only prevents explosions, so it won't be much of an issue this battle.
Swampert will likely have a Poison move, such as Poison Jab, to take advantage of its Tera Type. Considering its types, it will also have some powerful Water and Ground-type moves, likely Liquidation and Earthquake. It may also have some Ice and Rock-type moves for some type coverage.
To take part in the Special Blissey Raids, you must have completed the main story up to the end credits; open the Poké Portal and Check Poké Portal News through the Mystery Gift menu.
To unlock the Swampert Raid, you must complete a few random raids after the end credits and participate in the post-game tournament. However, if you don't meet these requirements, you can still join the event by playing with someone who has unlocked it through online play or local communication.