Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact is bringing few but fun Events in version 4.7
There will be four events to not distract you from the permanent content of Imaginarium Theater.

Hoyoverse has revealed the upcoming events for Genshin Impact in Version 4.7; this time around, it won't have that many events, but it is likely because the big "event" in this version will be the Imaginarium Theater, a permanent game mode to accompany the Spiral Abyss.
Mutual Security Enhancing Simulation

The Mutual Security Enhancing Simulation is an event similar to the "Mechanicus" events, where you prepare the arena to fight hordes of enemies, but instead of you doing the fighting; you'll be able to summon different kinds of monsters to fight for you; be prepared though, as you'll have to consider what are your monsters advantages and disadvantages.
Participating in this event will reward you with a unique 4-star bow and its refinement materials.
Endless Forms Most Martial

This is a combat event. Players enter a special domain and defeat enemies under specific conditions, such as using the Electro-charged reaction. Otherwise, defeating them will not yield any points.
As has been typical of combat events, if you don't have a character required to meet the necessary conditions or it isn't strong enough, you can pick trial characters.
Spino Doubleblaster

The return of a minigame from the Secret Summer Paradise event, shoot balloons with a Crocodile-shaped cannon; different balloons have different effects; some might even affect you negatively instead of rewarding you.
Be sure to check your aiming settings, especially if you are using a controller, to improve your experience.
Record of Reflective Writing

This is a challenge event. Gather coins and destroy training dummies. There will be tons of obstacles and projectiles coming at you. Survive and gather enough coins to claim the rewards.
Leyline Overflow

By the end of Version 4.7, the Leyline Blossoms (Blossoms of Wealth and Blossoms of Revelation) will give double rewards three times a day. You can only use Original Resin; Condensed Resin won't count.