Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact 5.0 is bringing multiple highly requested improvements
World Level 9, better specialty tracking, better drops from some enemies, and more.

Hoyoverse has released a new Developer's Discussion, which has revealed some significant improvements to come to the game, such as an increased item drop rate for some enemies that normally drop nothing more often than the common drops.
World Level 9
From Version 5.0 onwards, players with an Adventure rank of 58 and above can increase the world level to 9, making the enemies slightly harder and improving the rewards you get after defeating Bosses, guaranteeing at least three Boss Drops after each fight.
Unrelated to world level, the enemies Specter, Abyss Mage, Nobushi, Kairagi, Ruin Guard, Ruin Hunter, and Ruin Grader will have improved drop rates for their items, which is great for the cases of Nobushi and Kairagi, as a common complaint was that these barely dropped their items and when they did, it was the common variant.
Long Quests
Whenever you are about to start a time-consuming Quest, the game will advise you to prepare some time to complete it so you don't have to stop in the middle if you have other matters that might require you to interrupt your progress.
Regional Specialty Tracking
Now you'll be able to track local specialties without the need for an external map of the game; in Version 5.0, you'll be able to track a local specialty by checking on its description and selecting the Collect option, marking a few locations on your map and indicating the amount on each location.
Mystic Offering at the Crafting Bench
The Mystic Offering feature will now add eight more Artifact sets to the available options, giving you more options of what artifact sets you can get without doing their domains, including some from Sumeru and a few from Fontaine.
Serenitea Pot upgrade
In Version 5.0, the Serenitea Pot's load limit will increase by 60%, making it possible to place more furnishings before hitting the limit.
Your Inventory will also have a furnishing limit of 2,200 instead of 2,000.
Other improvements
The Developers Discussion details even more improvements, such as improved interfaces for several menus, such as cooking, crafting, and weapon improvement, among others, as well as changes to some Battle Pass missions and Weekly Reputation Quests once you have reached the maximum reputation on a region.