Where to farm Herba Mystica in Paldea?
Learn Which Tera Raids are the best to tackle to get Herba Mystica, the main ingredient for Shiny Hunting Sandwiches.

Herba Mystica is one of the main materials you get during the Path of Titans storyline in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. They are supposed to be amazing spices that can cure any illness, but for the player, they are used for making special Sandwiches when added as spices, with the special effect of increasing the chances of spawning Shiny Pokémon.
You can only get these spices by completing 5-star and 6-star Tera Raids, but not any Tera Raids, as only some offer other rare items, and others offer only one kind of Herba Mystica; the Following are the only Tera Raids that offer all five kinds of Herba Mystica,
5-Star Raids
- Gengar
- It has High Special Attack and low Physical Defense Stats and may cause Confusion or Sleep with its moves.
- Blissey
- Abysmally low Physical Stats, but high HP and Special Stats.
- Glalie
- Ignoring Nature, all of its stats are balanced; its moves may Freeze your Pokémon.
- Drifblim (Scarlet)
- Special Stats higher than Physical, may cause Burn or Paralysis with its moves.
- Amoonguss
- Special Defense higher than Physical, moves may induce Poison or Sleep on your Pokémon.
- Eelektross
- Physical Attack is higher than Special, Defenses are balanced, and moves may Paralyze your Pokémon.
- Palafin
- High Physical Attack and Low Special Defense.
- Cetitan
- High HP and Physical Attack, as well as low Special Defense, Moves may induce Sleep.
- Dondozo
- High HP and Physical Stats and low Special Stats
To avoid wasting time by checking every single Tera Crystal, you can check the 6-Star Tera Raid, and if it isn't one of the listed ones, you can reset your console's clock manually; there is no need to close the game or change the date, just keep pressing confirm on the date change menu until the date is set and then return to the game.
6-Star Raids

- Vaporeon
- Higher Special Stats compared to Physical Stats, moves may induce Sleep
- Blissey
- Abysmally low Physical Stats, but high HP and Special Stats.
- Amoonguss
- Special Defense higher than Physical, moves may induce Poison or Sleep on your Pokémon.
- Cetitan
- High HP and Physical Attack, as well as Low Special Defense, may induce Sleep.
- Dodonzo
- High HP and Physical Stats and low Special Stats
- Farigiraf
- High Special Attack and Balanced Defenses.
These Tera Raids do not guarantee you'll receive Herba Mystica at the end of the battle but are the only ones with a chance to reward Herba Mystica of each kind.