Genshin Impact
Maguu Kenki, strategies, weak points, and achievements
Defeat the Puppet Samurai surrounded by Dendrobium, which only grows where there was Bloodshed.

The Maguu Kenki is a Boss found in Yashiori Island; it is a giant puppet swordsman surrounded by proof of its lethality; defeating it will grant you Marionette Cores as well as Cryo and Anemo Ascension Crystals.
Maguu Kenki Location

Maguu Kenki Arena

Despite using Cryo and Anemo attacks, this Boss is not resistant to any element more than any other, so you can bring your preferred elements.
This Boss changes its strategy very often. It uses its mask to block ranged attacks if you are far enough away, sends its mask after you, and will even Taunt you if you are too far away when he is attacking.
At high health, its sword slashes will deal Physical damage, but after you lower about a third of it, it will start infusing either of its elements onto its attacks.
Two attacks to be careful about are one when it summons a Cryo double that does a Cryo spinning slash while the main body does an Anemo one, and the other when it buries its sword on the ground, as it creates a huge explosion only avoidable by getting off the ground with a skill or leaving the arena.
Weak Point
This Boss receives additional damage from hits to the head, but you'll have to get closer so it won't block projectiles.
This Boss does not play around. There are no Stunned phases or lowered resistances; the only thing it lowers is its guard when taunting you.
Puppet Show-Off
Defeat the Maguu Kenki while he is taunting you.
The Maguu Kenki will raise its fist against you when you get too far while it is attacking; it will also be vulnerable to ranged attacks, so you'll have to lower its health enough first, then wait until it Taunts you.
If I Run Fast Enough...
Defeat a Maguu Kenki without being hit by its phantom's attacks.
Be sure to create some distance whenever the Cryo Double appears, and focus on the main body the whole fight.
In This Solemn Matter Let No One Interfere!
Defeat a Maguu Kenki without triggering its "Oushi no Omote" parry.
The Oushi no Omote is when it summons a mask to block projectiles; focus on close range the whole time and you'll eventually get this achievement.
No Strings Attached, Anymore
Defeat a Maguu Kenki in Co-Op Mode.