How to farm Herba Mystica in Kitakami?
Discover the Tera Raids that offer every kind of Herba Mystica, the main ingredient used for Sparkling Power Sandwiches.

During the Path of Titans storyline in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, players look for Herba Mystica, one of the main materials. Though it is believed to be a spice with incredible healing properties, players use it to create special Sandwiches by adding it as a spice. These Sandwiches have a special effect of increasing the likelihood of encountering Shiny Pokémon.
You can only get these spices by completing 5 & 6-star Tera Raids, but not any Tera Raid dens, as some offer other rare items, and others offer only one kind of Herba Mystica; the Following are the only Tera Raids that offer all five kinds of Herba Mystica.
5-Star Raids
- Snorlax
- It has high Special Defense and Physical Attack Stats and Low Physical Defense; some moves may induce Paralysis.
- Dusknoir
- With high Physical Attack and Higher Defensive Stats, some moves may Burn your Pokémon.
- Mandibuzz
- Low Special Stats compared to Physical Stats, some moves may induce Poison on your Pokémon.
- Basculegion
- It has a Strong Special Attack and lower Physical Defense; it will also summon rain to power up Water-type moves.
6-Star Raids

- Poliwrath
- High Physical Stats, and slightly Lower Special Stats, it will summon rain to power up Water-type moves.
- Snorlax
- It has high Special Defense and Physical Attack Stats and Low Physical Defense; some moves may induce Sleep.
- Basculegion
- Strong Special Attack, and lower Physical Defense; it will also summon rain to power up Water-type moves.
There is no guarantee that you’ll get Herba Mystica after the battle, but these Raids are the only ones that have a chance to reward Herba Mystica of all kinds.