How to beat the Psychic-type Gym in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?
Defeat Tulip, The Bewitching Beautician and Psychic-type Gym Leader at the hard-to-reach Alfornada.

Defeat Tulip, The Bewitching Beautician and Psychic-type Gym Leader at the hard-to-reach Alfornada.
In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, there is no set order for the Victory Road storyline. However, this doesn't mean that every Gym will adapt to your progress. For instance, if you manage to get to the Psychic-type Gym early, you are likely to have a hard time. Tulip's team level is recommended for the seventh Gym challenge.
How do you get to the Psychic-type Gym?

This Gym is located in Alfornada, which might be a challenge to get to, depending on your progress in the Path of Legends storyline. To get there, you have to go through a Cave and get to the highest point, and for that, you need to have unlocked the High-Jump ability; otherwise, you have to go through an alternative route, which you can access through another cave.
The first cave's entrance is at the end of the path going west of Cortondo, going south when the path diverges; you'll need Koraidon/Miraidon to know how to high-Jump to go through it; the Exit is at the Highest point of the cave.

If you are already at this entrance and don't have High Jump, Jump down to the right and you'll land at the Second Cave's Exit
The second cave is to the Southeast of Cortondo, on the other side of the river; going through the cave leads to a path upwards, and then you'll get to the highest point of the first cave, where the exit is.

Doing the Gym Test
The Gym Test this time is pretty simple: match the expression of Medicham; all you need to do is press the button corresponding to the color/emotion; you have plenty of time, so if you mess up, you can press the correct button before the prompt runs out of time and you'll get it right, after a few rounds, you'll battle a few of the people there, all of which use Psychic-type Pokémon, so Ghost and Dark-type moves are recommended, except for Indeedee, which is immune to Ghost-type moves.
You can repeat the Gym Test at any point of the game after this for extra rewards like Berries, especially the ones needed to Raise Friendship and lower EV's.
Battling the Gym Leader
First Battle
Tulip specializes in Psychic-type Pokémon, weak to Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type Moves, and resistant to other Psychic-type moves, as well as Fighting-type ones, though she is prepared for these weaknesses.
Her team is Farigiraf (Lv. 44), Gardevoir (Lv. 44), Espathra (Lv. 44), and a Florges (Lv. 45) that she'll Terastalize into Psychic-type.
Farigiraf has Normal-type, so it is immune to Ghost-type moves and has the move Crunch, which is Super Efective against Ghost-types anyway, so Dark or Bug-type Pokémon are recommended for this one.
Gardevoir has the Fairy-type, which turns the Bug and Dark-type weaknesses into neutral damage, and has the move Dazzling Gleam, Super Effective against Dark-type Pokémon; this Pokémon is weak against Ghost, Poison, and Steel-type Moves.
Espathra has the move Shadow Ball, Super Efective against Ghost-type Pokémon.
Florges will Terastalize into Psychic-type, so it will be weak to Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type Moves, but it has the move Moon Blast, which is Super Effective against Dark-type Pokémon.
In the Post-game, you'll be able to battle her again, and her team will be Farigiraf (Lv. 65), Gardevoir (Lv. 65), Espathra (Lv. 65), Gallade (Lv. 65), and Florges (Lv. 66).
The Battle remains mostly the same, except Gardevoir now knows Mystical Fire, and Espathra learned Dazzling Gleam.
Gallade has Fighting-type and knows X-Scissor and Close Combat, great against Dark-type Pokémon; Gallade is Weak against Ghost, Flying, and Fairy-type Moves.