Genshin Impact
How to ascend Yelan from Genshin Impact
Level up Yelan, a mysterious "non-entity" from the Ministry of Civil Affairs
Yelan is a 5-Star character, she wields a bow and has the Hydro Element, her first appearance as a playable character was in version 2.7, right after the Chasm Update.
Requirements for ascension
- Have Access to the Chasm for her level up materials
- Qiqi or Yanfei are recomended to have on the team if available for an easier time finding some materials
- Access to the Taishan Mansion Domain for Talent Level up materials (Mon/Thu/Sun)
- Adventure Rank 40 or have Finished Zhongli’s Story Quest for the Talent Level up materials after Level 6 (weekly)
How to unlock The Chasm: Underground Mines for Exploration
To Access the Chasm, you need to progress the Questline Chasm Delvers by talking with Lan by the Adventurer's Guild at Liyue Harbor, which unlocks afer finishing Liyue’s Archon Quest Act III: A New Star Approaches, progress enough into the Chasm Delvers Questline and you’ll gain access to the Underground Mines.
Where to get the Ascension Materials
For Yelan to level up over certain level caps, you need to ascend her, the Ascension Materials are Starconches and Runic Fangs, you can find Starconches along the shores of Liyue, you can follow the interactive Map, and if you have Qiqi or Yanfei, you can put either of them in your team to use their passive talents, which shows Liyue’s specialties on your Minimap; if for some reason you have nearly enough Starconches but are just missing a few, Bolai sells 5 of them, and his inventory resets every three days.
Starconch locations Interactive Map
Bolai Location
To get Runic Fangs you need to have unlocked enough of the chasm’s map by following the Chasm Delvers Questline to gain Access to the Ruin Serpent’s Boss Fight, the fight requires you to have your Lumenstone Adjuvant gadget equiped and at a certain level to fight, but, if you rather not explore nor follow the World Quest anymore after finding the boss, you can still fight and bruteforce your way to the Materials.
Chasm Entrance
Ruin Serpent Location
Ruin Serpent Arena
How to Unlock the Taishan Mansion Domain
The Taishan Mansion Domain is locked behind a puzzle where you need to lower the water level to then be able to enter the domain.
How to Level up talents over Lv.6
Yelan’s Talents after Lv. 6 are Locked behind needing Gilded Scales, these scales are only found by fighting Azhdaha inside the Beneath the Dragon-Queller domain, which you need to have completed the Archon Quest Chapter I: Act IV - We Will Be Reunited and Zhongli’s Story Quest Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act II - No Mere Stone, after this, you can fight Azhdaha once a week for the rewards; if you haven't done the Quest, you can still do the challenge if you are Adventure Rank 40.