Genshin Impact
How to ascend Furina from Genshin Impact
Ascend the Hydro Archon, Foçalors, Regina of All Waters, Kindreds, Peoples, and Laws.

Furina, also known as Foçalors, is the Hydro Archon and ruler of Fontaine; she wields a Sword, and her Arkhe is aligned to Pneuma and Ousia, as she can switch between either at will.
Requirements for ascension
- Lyney, if you have him for an easier time finding materials.
- Access to the Pale Forgotten Glory domain for Talent Level-up materials (Tue/Fri/Sun)
- Adventure Rank 40 or have Finished the Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act V - Masquerade of the Guilty for the Talent Level-up materials after Level 6 (weekly)
Where to get ascension Materials
After reaching certain level caps, Furina needs Lakelight Lilies to ascend further; these can be found all over the Erinnyes Forest; having Lyney on your team will help you locate them easier as his Passive talent will mark them in your minimap.
Lakelight Lily Locations

She also requires Water that Failed to Transcend, an Item obtained from the Hydro Tulpa found in a cave underwater.
Cave entrance location

Cave entrance

Hydro Tulpa arena

How to get to the Pale Forgotten Glory domain
The Pale Forgotten Glory domain is accessible as soon as you get to dive underwater in Fontaine. Furina's talent materials refer to Justice, which appear on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.

Icons for reference

Underwater map for reference

Entrance, looking South

How to Level up Talents over Lv.6
Furina's talents after level 6 need Lightless Mass to level up, an item that the All-Devouring Narwhal weekly Boss leaves when defeated; this boss becomes available when completing the Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act V - Masquerade of the Guilty; if you are not that far in the Archon Quest, you can still do the challenge if you are Adventure Rank 40.