Genshin Impact
How to Ascend Freminet from Genshin Impact
The Renowned Diver brother of the Talented Magicians.
Freminet is a 4-star character released in Phase II of the version 4.0 Character Event Banners; he wields a Claymore and has a Cryo Vision, his Arkhe is the Pneuma type. You can get nearly everything he needs to level up at any moment, except for the ones required to level up his Talents after lv. 6.
Requirements for ascension
- Have unlocked the region of Fontaine for his level-up materials
- Lyney, if you have him for an easier time finding the materials
- Access to the Pale Forgotten Glory Domain for Talent Level-up materials (Tue/Fri/Sun)
- Adventure Rank 40 or have Finished Nahida's Story Quest for the Talent Level-up materials after Level 6 (weekly)
How to unlock Fontaine to Explore
Even though Fontaine is the fifth region of the game, you can get there pretty early; all you need to do is play the story until you can leave Mondstadt after finishing the Archon Quest Prologue: Act I - The Outlander Who Caught the Wind, alternatively a teleport waypoint will unlock automatically near Fontaine as soon as you finish Act III of the Prologue so that you can explore at your leisure.
Where to get the Ascension Materials
To level up further than Lv.20/40/50/60/70/80, you need Romaritime Flowers and Artificed Spare Clockwork Component — Coppelius.
Romaritime Flowers are found all over Fontaine, especially underwater; the ones on the surface need to have Hydro applied to them. You can easily find them with Lyney's Passive Talent if you have him, which allows him to mark local specialties on your Minimap.
Romaritime Flower Interactive Map Locations
Romaritime Flower Underwater/underground Locations
As for the Artificed Spare Clockwork Component — Coppelius, you need to fight the Icewind Suite, a couple of robots dancing, to get the one Freminet needs you to have to talk with Maillardet and choose the Nemesis of Coppelius option.
Icewind Suite Location
Choose "Try Nemesis of Coppelius"
How to Unlock the Pale Forgotten Glory Domain
You can find the Pale Forgotten Glory Domain underwater, so first you'll need to resonate with a Statue of the Seven in Fontaine using your Traveler; after that, you'll be able to swim underwater, as well as leap out of the water if you are using the Traveler or any Fontaine character while swimming, the Domain isn't locked by any puzzle, so just open the door and you are ready to go, Freminet's Talent materials are given on Tuesdays, and Fridays, as well as Sundays when you can get any of the Talent Books of the week.
Icons for reference
Underwater map for reference
Entrance, looking South
How to Level up Talents over Lv.6
To upgrade Freminet's Talents higher than Level 6, you need Worldspan Fern, a material that can only be obtained after defeating the Weekly Boss Guardian of Apep's Oasis at the Realm of Beginnings, to be able to fight this Boss you need to play the Main Story all the way up to Chapter III: Act V - Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises and then finish Nahida's Story Quest: Sapientia Oromasdis Chapter: Act II - Homecoming, after that you can challenge the Boss once a week for the materials; if you haven't done the Quest, you can still do the challenge if you are Adventure Rank 40.